Wednesday, April 22, 2009

basiaqq pula tag ak..

PEMBERI: Basiaq yg berpengetahuan luas

1.pakai spec G.A BLUE (low profile)
2.selalu senyum..senyum itu sedekah
3.suka jalan sorang2..kepuasan lebih..
4.xsuka menyusahkan org laen...
5.suka berblog..
6.suka download n upload lagu..
7.ceria, suka gelak..release tension ma..
8.malas nk jaga barang2..yg syg sgt2 bru jaga..
9.suka men ftsal ngan bdk blok n flatlet..
10.menyakat org adalah hobi sampingan

>>>>>award ini terbang kepada<<<<<
1.ekin jamal (die kate die suka buat tag2 ni)
3.yana bubu
4.nabila saat (bie)
5.along kejut

>>>>>award rules<<<<<
1.insert this badge or pic above to inform u have been awarded
2.make sure u take the pic and said it is from should tell 10 facts or hobbies about yourself should choose 5 other bloggers (easier the one who follow you ) and tell their names in your blog.
5.don't forget to go to their blog and tell them they have been tagged...!!!!

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